Please be reminded that the Orbit/ Jupiter gate will be closed beginning Friday, 11 March 2022, due to the renovation of the Orbit/ Jupiter vehicular and pedestrian outposts. The outposts will be upgraded to ease the ingress and egress of vehicles as well as provide additional protection to security guards and motorists. The completion date for the renovation is 30 June 2022.

Vehicles coming in and going out Orbit/Jupiter are advised to pass through the Saturn/ Jupiter, and Comet/ Jupiter, Constellation/ Saint Andrew.
Saturn/ Jupiter Gate
24 Hours Open - Entry Only
· For vehicles with BAVA/MIVA stickers, guests, and deliveries.
· For pedestrian (entry/ exit for residents, domestics, guests and deliveries)
Constellation/ Saint Andrew
24 hours Open - Exit Only
· For vehicles with BAVA/MIVA stickers, guests and deliveries
· For pedestrian (entry/ exit for residents and domestics only with BAVA valid ID)
Comet/ Jupiter Gate – Exit Only
Open From 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily
· For vehicles with BAVA/ MIVA stickers only
· For pedestrian (entry/exit for residents and domestics only with valid BAVA ID)
We apologize for the inconvenience and we thank you for your cooperation and understanding.