The Annual General Membership Meeting of Bel-Air Village Association (BAVA) scheduled on June 29, 2020 has been indefinitely postponed by the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) as contained in its Advisory dated 01 May 2020 addressed to all Homeowners’ Associations.
As a consequence, the present BAVA Board of Governors will be serving on holdover capacity until the DHSUD issues a release from this current order.
In the absence of a General Membership Meeting, we are therefore distributing the BAVA Audited Financial Statements for the year 2019 to all homeowners of Bel-Air Village. Also Included herein is our summary report on operations for the period July 2019-June 2020.
The BAVA Board’s program for 2019-2020 included the construction of a better functioning gate guard post at Paseo de Roxas, the reinforcement of the Village Security thru the rehabilitation of peripheral walls and secondary gates, better lighting of the main streets, sustained maintenance of our surroundings and the more efficient service to our residents.
As we are all aware, the Covid-19 pandemic came as a disaster we did not prepare for. So your Board, together with the Barangay, focused on the immediate protection of the community, setting up very difficult and strict measures to contain the spread of the virus inside Bel-Air, and at the same time giving assistance to those few residents who became Covid patients. The action of the Board and our BAVA staff and Security personnel, with the cooperation of the majority of residents, is working to contain the number of our Covid patients to 16 persons from March to Sept 2020. Notwithstanding the most difficult work of protecting the community from this virus, and managing this under the quarantine rules, BAVA still completed the work program it has set up for 2019-2020 as herein reported by the Governors in charge of the various committees:
EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (Gov. Jose Vicente L. Camus)
In 2019, BAVA conducted an organizational study with the objective of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery of services to the residents. As a result of this study and the residents survey, the Association engaged the services of a management consultant on organizational development to assist BAVA design and implement a program to reorganize the BAVA office operations and to enhance the skills of the personnel. The objective of the organizational development program is to build a BAVA office organization more responsive to the needs of the residents.
On dealing with other villages, BAVA remains active in the Federation of Residents’
Associations (FORA) and the Makati Intervillage Association (MIVA) to help resolve
common problems and concerns.
SECURITY (Gov. Edward T. Gabaldon(†) and Gov. Ricardo D. Bautista)
In January this year, we suffered a great loss with the passing of the Ed Gabaldon, the stalwart Governor for Security. His contributions and dedication in keeping the village secure and safe will never be forgotten. Due to his efforts, the problem of staffhouses has been greatly reduced as he diligently enforced the policy of no staffhouses in the Village.
With Ed gone, the Security Committee has continued to maintain strict implementation of our rules and monitoring of tenants to deter the violation of our Deed Restrictions on the use of residential properties. Since we were constrained by certain legal issues, we would implement measures to discourage the use of properties as staffhouses. For example, we would require persons to register details of their profile even if the owner of property would instruct us to allow their entry. We would also not allow them to bring in food items in bulk. These and other measures have enabled us to almost eliminate these staffhouses in the Village. This is done to ensure the proper use of properties in Bel-Air as single-family residences.
During the quarantine period, Security played a large part in maintaining the safety of the Village. When the quarantine began, Security was tasked to secure the safety of the Village. Additional roving guards were placed especially in the most vulnerable Phase(s) of the Village. Constant monitoring was done to ensure that nobody was going out except those with quarantine passes. Everyone entering the Village was subjected to disinfection procedures – spraying disinfectant on vehicles’ tires and foot baths for pedestrians. Everyone entering also had their temperatures taken for good measure. When quarantine restrictions were relaxed, Security tried their best to make sure that people wore face masks.
Our Security coordinated closely with the Barangay Clinic to monitor the health situation in the Village. For the few households that were confirmed to have a Covid-19 positive resident, Security would make sure that they undergo the requisite 14-day quarantine. During this time, Security would try to assist them to ease the inconvenience of undergoing total quarantine. So far, all these households were declared safe after their quarantine period.
Security policies were constantly reviewed and modified as the different quarantine types were implemented by the government, always taking into consideration the safety of the residents and that these would entail the minimum inconvenience to the residents. Policies that may seem strict, however, were enforced to assist residents in coping during these times. For example, we required people to call in advance to inform Security to allow persons such as delivery personnel to enter. Restricting the indiscriminate entry of people into the village was done to protect the residents. Restrictions on construction activities were also imposed, although these were also essential to ensure the safety of the community.
Finally, the implementation of full-stop intersections have helped instill better traffic
discipline in our residents and drivers.
CIVIL WORKS (Gov. Ricardo D. Bautista)
For the past year, the following streets have been repaved: Aries, Hydra, Solar, Libra,
Paseo de Roxas, and Orion Streets. Other projects undertaken by the Civil Works
Committee include: the retiling of the Community Center courtyard, the repair of
secondary gates, sidewalks, and the repainting of the security outposts along Orbit,
Mercedes/Kalayaan, and Amapola/Aquarius. In coordination with the Building
Committee, the Paseo de Roxas outpost received a much-needed renovation that
combined better aesthetics and functionality befitting of Bel-Air Village.
FINANCE (Gov. Pablito H. Yap)
For 2019, BAVA generated P 45.2MM in revenues, an improvement of 7% from 2018 revenue of P42.2MM. Slightly higher volume of Intervillage car stickers sold and an improvement in interest income from short-term investments accounted substantially for this increase.
Operating expenses amounting to P46.6 MM, on the other hand, was incurred in 2019 as compared to 2018’s P44.8MM. This higher expense is attributable to the implementation of a wage order increase for Security Agency personnel and, as a result of an actuarial study conducted on BAVA’s retirement fund, an additional contribution was necessitated.
The net effect was an acceptable net loss of P1.4MM in 2019 versus the net loss of P2.6MM in 2018; taking into consideration our comfortable level of Members’ Equity, which ended the year at P65.9MM.
For the entire year, the financial condition of BAVA remains strong & stable. We have total assets of P139.2MM in 2019 as against 2018’s P136.1MM. Our liquidity is more than adequate to meet current liabilities, as supported by a current ratio of 1.4:1 and as mentioned earlier, member’ equity at P65.9MM is considered acceptable & comfortable.
Updates for 2020:
1. Total year-to-date revenues as of August has reached P 22.2MM with operating expenses of P 21.8MM, resulting in a net income of P 0.4M. We expect to end the year with a small positive income. This is dependent, however, on the resumption of revenues from car stickers sales, which has been postponed to the later part of the year.
2. In July, in an effort to clean up the Balance sheet of BAVA, letters were sent out to numerous residents and their respective contractors requesting them to submit appropriate documentations to support the return of construction and excavation deposits made with BAVA. The response has been encouraging but slow.
If you are affected by these notice letters sent out, kindly expedite your response to BAVA. Otherwise, your deposit will be forfeited after due notice is sent out.
3. A change in the external auditor to the firm of Dimaculangan, Dimaculangan and Company for the fiscal year 2020 and onwards was also approved by the Board, subject to ratification by the members in the next annual general membership meeting of BAVA. With this change, service efficiency and responsiveness are expected to improve. There is no added cost to this change.
BUILDING (Gov. Miguel O. Tan)
The Building Committee continues to monitor construction projects and implement the village’s building rules and regulations, and recently, we have been tasked to come up with the necessary guidelines for construction projects during this COVID-19 pandemic. Our Committee also oversaw the renovation of the Paseo de Roxas security outpost, the design of which will become the template for the subsequent upgrading of the other outposts in the village.
LEGAL (Gov. Cynthia R. del Castillo)
In the past year, the Legal Committee focused on three areas of interest: (1) enforcing the final judgment of the Supreme Court declaring that the Deed of Restrictions on the lots in Bel-Air Village have been validly extended from up to January 15, 2007 to up to August 23, 2032; (2) formally seeking the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (“LTFRB”)’s order banning “E-Sakay” jeeps that cause traffic along Jupiter St.; and (3) crafting the community rules and safety protocols for the different quarantine levels imposed by the government since March 17, 2020.
In respect of the continued effectivity of the Deed of Restrictions, on November 27, 2019, the Supreme Court ruled with finality in favor of the Association in the case that started in 2007 with the HLURB and filed by Cezar Yatco Real Estate Services, Inc., GRD Property Resources, Inc., Gamaliel Pascual, Jr., Ma. Lourdes Limjap Pascual, and Aurora Pijuan. Meanwhile, the “E-Sakay” case was submitted for the resolution of the LTFRB in December 2019.
ECOLOGY (Gov. Ma. Rosario C. Pineda)
The Ecology Committee, has in the past year, gone full blast in its tree-trimming activities, mainly to ease the passage of emergency vehicles along the village streets and to prevent accidents that may be caused by branches getting entangled on communications and power lines. As part of our efforts to protect the environment, we have embarked on a project to recycle plastic bottles.
BAVA also continuously monitors unkempt vacant houses, especially those with swimming pools, to prevent dengue-carrying mosquitoes and other vermin from breeding inside the village. The cleanup of these areas is a daunting task, especially since owners are residing in various parts of the country and do not respond to our call within reasonable time. BAVA is hard-pressed to pass a Resolution penalizing owners of unkempt empty houses and lots for putting their neighbors at risk.
The Community Relations Committee conducted a Tote Bag Painting workshop led by resident artists Pia and Georgina Camus. Residents of all ages were able to display their artisitic talents by painting various subjects on tote bags that they can proudly call their own work of art!
Another Picnic at the Park was also held late last year that once again showcased the specialties of the village’s culinary experts. In the same event, a charity bazaar was held where more than 10 charitable organizations participated. During the Christmas season, the Committee, together with the Barangay, organized the Christmas Décor Contest participated in by 26 residents who showed their artistic talents thru their Christmas décors.
In the aftermath of the Taal Volcano eruption, BAVA, together with the Barangay and the Women of Bel-Air Foundation, delivered relief goods to evacuees in Tanauan, Batangas. And during this COVID-19 pandemic, the Committee provided online communication and support venues for residents through its Facebook page, and the BAVA Residents Viber Community and the BAVA Food and Supplies Viber Community.